Meeting Pearls 2
Meeting Pearls Vol. II (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
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408 lines
:Program. ASL.mod
:Contents. interface module for asl.library
:Copyright. © 1992 by Fridtjof Siebert, Nicolas Benezan
:Language. Oberon-2
:Translator. Amiga Oberon Compiler V3.00
:History. V2.0 fridi 02-Nov-92
:History. V3.0 bene 20-Mar-92 updated to V39 includes
:History. V3.0b hG 21-May-93 rearranged, removed minor errors
:History. V3.1 hG 23-May-93 updated to V40 includes (40.5)
:History. 40.15 hG 28-Dec-93 updated for V40.15
:Version. $VER: ASL.mod 40.15 (28.12.93) Oberon 3.0
* Before procedures of this module may be used, you have to check
* ASL.asl#NIL because opening ASL may fail on Amigas with KickStart
* 1.3 installed!
e * := Exec, u * := Utility, wb * := Workbench, g * := Graphics;
aslName * = "asl.library";
aslTag * = u.user + 80000H;
(* Types of requesters known to ASL, used as arguments to AllocAslRequest() *)
fileRequest * = 0;
fontRequest * = 1;
screenModeRequest * = 2;
* common tag arguments
(* Window control *)
window * = aslTag+2; (* Parent window *)
screen * = aslTag+40; (* Screen to open on if no window *)
pubScreenName * = aslTag+41; (* Name of public screen *)
privateIDCMP * = aslTag+42; (* Allocate private IDCMP? *)
intuiMsgFunc * = aslTag+70; (* Function to handle IntuiMessages *)
sleepWindow * = aslTag+43; (* Block input in ASLFO_WindoU? *)
userData * = aslTag+52; (* What to put in fo_UserData *)
(* Text display *)
textAttr * = aslTag+51; (* Text font to use for gadget text *)
locale * = aslTag+50; (* Locale ASL should use for text *)
titleText * = aslTag+1; (* Title of requester *)
positiveText * = aslTag+18; (* Positive gadget text *)
negativeText * = aslTag+19; (* Negative gadget text *)
(* Initial settings *)
initialLeftEdge * = aslTag+3; (* Initial requester coordinates *)
initialTopEdge * = aslTag+4;
initialWidth * = aslTag+5; (* Initial requester dimensions *)
initialHeight * = aslTag+6;
(* Filtering *)
filterFunc * = aslTag+49; (* Function to filter fonts *)
hookFunc * = aslTag+7; (* Combined callback function *)
ASLRequesterPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO ASLRequester;
ASLRequester * = STRUCT END;
* ASL File Requester data structures and constants
* This structure must only be allocated by asl.library amd is READ-ONLY!
* Control of the various fields is provided via tags when the requester
* is created with AllocAslRequest() and when it is displayed via
* AslRequest()
FileRequesterPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO FileRequester;
FileRequester * = STRUCT (dummy *: ASLRequester)
reserved0 - : ARRAY 4 OF e.UBYTE;
file - : e.LSTRPTR; (* Contents of File gadget on exit *)
dir - : e.LSTRPTR; (* Contents of Drawer gadget on exit *)
reserved1 - : ARRAY 10 OF e.UBYTE;
leftEdge - : INTEGER; (* Coordinates of requester on exit *)
topEdge - : INTEGER;
width - : INTEGER;
height - : INTEGER;
reserved2 - : ARRAY 2 OF e.UBYTE;
numArgs - : LONGINT; (* Number of files selected *)
argList - : wb.WBArgumentsPtr; (* List of files selected *)
userData - : e.APTR; (* You can store your own data here *)
reserved3 - : ARRAY 8 OF e.UBYTE;
pat - : e.LSTRPTR; (* Contents of Pattern gadget on exit *)
END; (* note - more reserved fields follow *)
(* File requester tag values, used by AllocAslRequest() and AslRequest() *)
(* Window control *)
(* see common tags above *)
(* Text display *)
(* see common tags above *)
(* Initial settings *)
(* see common tags above *)
initialFile * = aslTag+8; (* Initial contents of File gadget *)
initialDrawer * = aslTag+9; (* Initial contents of Drawer gadg. *)
initialPattern * = aslTag+10; (* Initial contents of Pattern gadg.*)
(* Options *)
flags1 * = aslTag+20; (* Option flags *)
flags2 * = aslTag+22; (* Additional option flags *)
doSaveMode * = aslTag+44; (* Being used for saving? *)
doMultiSelect * = aslTag+45; (* Do multi-select? *)
doPatterns * = aslTag+46; (* Display a Pattern gadget? *)
(* Filtering *)
(* see common tags above *)
drawersOnly * = aslTag+47; (* Don't display files? *)
rejectIcons * = aslTag+60; (* Display .info files? *)
rejectPattern * = aslTag+61; (* Don't display files matching pat *)
acceptPattern * = aslTag+62; (* Accept only files matching pat *)
filterDrawers * = aslTag+63; (* Also filter drawers with patterns*)
(* Flag bits for the ASLFR_Flags1 tag *)
frFilterFunc * = 7;
frIntuiFunc * = 6;
frDoSaveMode * = 5;
frPrivateIDCMP * = 4;
frDoMultiSelect * = 3;
frDoPatterns * = 0;
(* Flag bits for the ASLFR_Flags2 tag *)
frDrawersOnly * = 0; (* Do not want a file gadget, no files shown *)
frFilterDrawers * = 1; (* filter drawers by matching pattern *)
frRejectIcons * = 2;
* ASL Font Requester data structures and constants
* This structure must only be allocated by asl.library amd is READ-ONLY!
* Control of the various fields is provided via tags when the requester
* is created with AllocAslRequest() and when it is displayed via
* AslRequest()
FontRequesterPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO FontRequester;
FontRequester * = STRUCT (dummy *: ASLRequester)
reserved0 - : ARRAY 8 OF e.UBYTE;
attr - : g.TextAttr; (* Returned TextAttr *)
frontPen - : SHORTINT; (* Returned front pen *)
backPen - : SHORTINT; (* Returned back pen *)
drawMode - : SHORTSET; (* Returned drawing mode *)
reserved1 - : e.UBYTE;
userData - : e.APTR; (* You can store your own data here *)
leftEdge - : INTEGER; (* Coordinates of requester on exit *)
topEdge - : INTEGER;
width - : INTEGER;
height - : INTEGER;
tAttr - : g.TTextAttr; (* Returned TTextAttr *)
(* Font requester tag values, used by AllocAslRequest() and AslRequest() *)
(* Window control *)
(* see common tags above *)
(* Text display *)
(* see common tags above *)
(* Initial settings *)
(* see common tags above *)
initialName * = aslTag+10; (* Initial contents of Name gadget *)
initialSize * = aslTag+11; (* Initial contents of Size gadget *)
initialStyle * = aslTag+12; (* Initial font style *)
initialFlags * = aslTag+13; (* Initial font flags for TextAttr *)
initialFrontPen * = aslTag+14; (* Initial front pen *)
initialBackPen * = aslTag+15; (* Initial back pen *)
initialDrawMode * = aslTag+59; (* Initial draw mode *)
(* Options *)
flags * = aslTag+20; (* Option flags *)
doFrontPen * = aslTag+44; (* Display Front color selector? *)
doBackPen * = aslTag+45; (* Display Back color selector? *)
doStyle * = aslTag+46; (* Display Style checkboxes? *)
doDrawMode * = aslTag+47; (* Display DrawMode cycle gadget? *)
(* Filtering *)
fixedWidthOnly * = aslTag+48; (* Only allow fixed-width fonts? *)
minHeight * = aslTag+16; (* Minimum font height to display *)
maxHeight * = aslTag+17; (* Maximum font height to display *)
maxFrontPen * = aslTag+66; (* Max # of colors in front palette *)
maxBackPen * = aslTag+67; (* Max # of colors in back palette *)
(* Custom additions *)
modeList * = aslTag+21; (* Substitute list for drawmodes *)
frontPens * = aslTag+64; (* Color table for front pen palette*)
backPens * = aslTag+65; (* Color table for back pen palette *)
(* Flag bits for ASLFO_Flags tag *)
foDoFrontPen * = 0;
foDoBackPen * = 1;
foDoStyle * = 2;
foDoDrawMode * = 3;
foFixedWidthOnly * = 4;
foPrivateIDCMP * = 5;
foIntuiFunc * = 6;
foFilterFunc * = 7;
* ASL Screen Mode Requester data structures and constants
* This structure must only be allocated by asl.library and is READ-ONLY!
* Control of the various fields is provided via tags when the requester
* is created with AllocAslRequest() and when it is displayed via
* AslRequest()
ScreenModeRequesterPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO ScreenModeRequester;
ScreenModeRequester * = STRUCT (dummy *: ASLRequester)
displayID - : LONGINT; (* Display mode ID *)
displayWidth - : LONGINT; (* Width of display in pixels *)
displayHeight - : LONGINT; (* Height of display in pixels *)
displayDepth - : INTEGER; (* Number of bit-planes of display *)
overscanType - : INTEGER; (* Type of overscan of display *)
autoScroll - : BOOLEAN; (* Display should auto-scroll? *)
pad1 : SHORTINT;
bitMapWidth - : LONGINT; (* Used to create your own BitMap *)
bitMapHeight - : LONGINT;
leftEdge - : INTEGER; (* Coordinates of requester on exit *)
topEdge - : INTEGER;
width - : INTEGER;
height - : INTEGER;
infoOpened - : BOOLEAN; (* Info window opened on exit? *)
pad2 : SHORTINT;
infoLeftEdge - : INTEGER; (* Last coordinates of Info window *)
infoTopEdge - : INTEGER;
infoWidth - : INTEGER;
infoHeight - : INTEGER;
userData - : e.APTR; (* You can store your own data here *)
(* An Exec list of custom modes can be added to the list of available modes.
* The DimensionInfo structure must be completely initialized, including the
* Header. See <graphics/displayinfo.h>. Custom mode ID's must be in the range
* 0xFFFF0000..0xFFFFFFFF. Regular properties which apply to your custom modes
* can be added in the dn_PropertyFlags field. Custom properties are not
* allowed.
DisplayMode* = STRUCT (node * : e.Node) (* see ln_Name *)
dimensionInfo * : g.DimensionInfo; (* mode description *)
propertyFlags * : LONGSET; (* applicable properties *)
(* ScreenMode requester tag values, used by AllocAslRequest() and AslRequest() *)
(* Window control *)
(* see common tags above *)
(* Text display *)
(* see common tags above *)
(* Initial settings *)
(* see common tags above *)
initialDisplayID * = aslTag+100; (* Initial display mode id *)
initialDisplayWidth * = aslTag+101; (* Initial display width *)
initialDisplayHeight* = aslTag+102; (* Initial display height *)
initialDisplayDepth * = aslTag+103; (* Initial display depth *)
initialOverscanType * = aslTag+104; (* Initial type of overscan *)
initialAutoScroll * = aslTag+105; (* Initial autoscroll setting *)
initialInfoOpened * = aslTag+106; (* Info wndw initially opened? *)
initialInfoLeftEdge * = aslTag+107; (* Initial Info window coords. *)
initialInfoTopEdge * = aslTag+108;
(* Options *)
doWidth * = aslTag+109; (* Display Width gadget? *)
doHeight * = aslTag+110; (* Display Height gadget? *)
doDepth * = aslTag+111; (* Display Depth gadget? *)
doOverscanType * = aslTag+112; (* Display Overscan Type gadget? *)
doAutoScroll * = aslTag+113; (* Display AutoScroll gadget? *)
(* Filtering *)
smPropertyFlags* = aslTag+114; (* Must have these Property flags *)
smPropertyMask * = aslTag+115; (* Only these should be looked at *)
smMinWidth * = aslTag+116; (* Minimum display width to allow *)
smMaxWidth * = aslTag+117; (* Maximum display width to allow *)
smMinHeight * = aslTag+118; (* Minimum display height to allow *)
smMaxHeight * = aslTag+119; (* Maximum display height to allow *)
smMinDepth * = aslTag+120; (* Minimum display depth *)
smMaxDepth * = aslTag+121; (* Maximum display depth *)
smFilterFunc * = aslTag+122; (* Function to filter mode id's *)
(* Custom additions *)
customSMList * = aslTag+123; (* Exec list of struct DisplayMode *)
* Obsolete ASL definitions, here for source code compatibility only.
* Please do NOT use in new code.
fonFrontColor * = 0;
fonBackColor * = 1;
fonStyles * = 2;
fonDrawMode * = 3;
fonFixedWidth * = 4;
fonNewIDCMP * = 5;
fonDoMsgFunc * = 6;
fonDoWildFunc * = 7;
doWildFunc * = frFilterFunc;
doMsgFunc * = frIntuiFunc;
save * = frDoSaveMode;
newIDCMP * = frPrivateIDCMP;
multiSelect * = frDoMultiSelect;
patGad * = frDoPatterns;
noFiles * = frDrawersOnly;
aslDummy * = aslTag;
hail * = aslDummy+1; (* Hailing text follows *)
leftEdge * = aslDummy+3; (* Initialize LeftEdge *)
topEdge * = aslDummy+4; (* Initialize TopEdge *)
width * = aslDummy+5;
height * = aslDummy+6;
(* Tags specific to file request *)
file * = aslDummy+8; (* Initial name of file follows *)
dir * = aslDummy+9; (* Initial string of filerequest dir *)
(* Tags specific to font request *)
fontName * = aslDummy+10; (* Initial font name *)
fontHeight * = aslDummy+11; (* Initial font height *)
fontStyles * = aslDummy+12; (* Initial font styles *)
fontFlags * = aslDummy+13; (* Initial font flags for textattr *)
frontPen * = aslDummy+14; (* Initial frontpen color *)
backPen * = aslDummy+15; (* Initial backpen color *)
okText * = aslDummy+18; (* Text displayed in OK gadget *)
cancelText * = aslDummy+19; (* Text displayed in CANCEL gadget *)
funcFlags * = aslDummy+20; (* Function flags, depend on request *)
extFlags1 * = aslDummy+22; (* For passing extended FIL1F flags *)
pattern * = fontName; (* File requester pattern string *)
(******** END of ASL Tag values *****************************************)
asl *, base * : e.LibraryPtr; (* synonyms *)
(*--- functions in V36 or higher (Release 2.0) ---*)
(* OBSOLETE -- Please use the generic requester functions instead *)
PROCEDURE AllocFileRequest *{asl,- 30}(): FileRequesterPtr;
PROCEDURE FreeFileRequest *{asl,- 36}(fileReq{8} : FileRequesterPtr);
PROCEDURE RequestFile *{asl,- 42}(fileReq{8} : FileRequesterPtr): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE AllocAslRequest *{asl,- 48}(reqType{0} : LONGINT;
tagList{8} : ARRAY OF u.TagItem): ASLRequesterPtr;
PROCEDURE AllocAslRequestTags*{asl,- 48}(reqType{0} : LONGINT;
tag1{8}.. : u.Tag): ASLRequesterPtr;
PROCEDURE FreeAslRequest *{asl,- 54}(requester{8}: ASLRequesterPtr);
PROCEDURE AslRequest *{asl,- 60}(requester{8}: ASLRequesterPtr;
tagList{9} : ARRAY OF u.TagItem): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE AslRequestTags *{asl,- 60}(requester{8}: ASLRequesterPtr;
tag1{9}.. : u.Tag): BOOLEAN;
(* $OvflChk- $RangeChk- $StackChk- $NilChk- $ReturnChk- $CaseChk- *)
asl := e.OpenLibrary (aslName, 37);
base := asl;
IF asl # NIL THEN e.CloseLibrary(asl) END;